标签: Viber

Viber是一种智能手机用的跨平台网络电话及即时通讯软件,能在3G和WiFi网络上运作。Viber最先推出的是在iPhone上运行版本。2011年5月,开发商Viber Media在谷歌电子市场上发布了该应用的Android测试版。同年7月20日,官方推出了Android的正式版本。Viber用户无需注册或付款,只要双方都有安装这套软件就能彼此免费通讯。用户可以通过无线网络或UMTS,与其他用户免费通话及传送短信、图片、视频和音频媒体。目前Viber支持包括中文在内的多国语言。
Viber is a free, cross-platform instant messaging and voice over IP (VoIP) application that was first developed and popularized by the Israeli company Viber Media that was bought by the Japanese multinational company Rakuten. In addition to instant messaging, users can exchange images, video and audio media messages by sending files to each other. As of December 2016, Viber had 800 million registered users.